positivity is a choice

Just because You are a ________(whoever u are), doesn’t mean that you have to always stay happy all the time.
You may be a Christian, but you can be upset or down just like anyone else.
Anyone is prone to falling, but not everyone gets up the same time as others.
Sometimes I wonder, if i were to fall then what would happen..
most probably things that i used to be responsible for would be neglected.
Whenever I have to make a decision, whether to stay or leave, i would think.. of the responsibilities i hold.
Am i going to just let it all go like that?
If i were to stay down, I would only be more miserable, lonely, irresponsible, insecure, and basically pathetic because i would only ponder in the negatives. At the end of the day, i would be left with defeat.

But if i were to stay strong and fight, I would have to keep getting up, keep being strong, keep learning, smile even though i don’t feel like it, sometimes pretend that everything is alright and just move on with life.. so that someday the pain i feel inside will be healed through time.

Am i going to choose to think of the negative things or the positive things?
But for now, i learnt that, it takes a decision to be happy.
People want the pain to be gone, but what do they do? They water their pain everyday by thinking of the very thing that brings back memories and so the pain never leaves, instead, it grows.

To be a happier person, you need to be well secured with at least some good friends around you to keep you going.
I want you to be happy, i want the people around me to choose to be happy.
Because sometimes, happiness is something you have to fight for.
Choose to thank God for the past, and choose to thank God for both the negative and the positive things in life.
because the negative things teaches you life lessons & teaches you to be stronger in life.
the positive things are blessings which God poured into your life.
And i know for sure that once you have gone through the fire, you will only come out purer, like gold.

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