you’re not alone



Everyone goes through challenges in life, no matter big or small. 

When things actually happens to you, everything seems to be magnified.

Times like these makes you more vulnerable somehow, as negative thoughts slowly tries to sneak in without you knowing.. robbing away your happy thoughts..

That’s when you have to make a choice, to let in the good and keep the bad out. 

When times are good, it’s always easy to trust and believe that God is working in your life.

But when times are bad, your perspective will change.. you start to have choices.

Either to blame and be angry at God

or to cry and wail and sulk but yet still grabbing onto that hope, that God will help you through.

It’s not an easy thing to do.

Anyone can easily give up,

but holding onto that hope even when the world says you deserve the right to give up.. is not easy.

When things get tough, it’s easy to place yourself in the priority seat. Everything and everything has got to meet MY needs and MY feelings. I deserve this, i deserve that….

But why not look at another perspective?

When it’s not about me, but it’s about placing God in the center of your life.

It’s about still caring for your neighbor.. 

be nice to everyone, you’ll never know the struggles they may be facing in life.. and a little love  and selflessness may be good for them and also for yourself.

Choose to look beyond yourself, not inward looking, and loving others as yourself.

Let Jesus be the center of your life,

and your problem will be smaller when it’s placed in God’s hands.

As you face challenges in life that may seem so dark, hold onto your friend’s hand and walk through the storms of life together. 🙂


Thanks for reading my reflections.

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