
At USS on Tuesday! Met prince and fairy Godmother. Love the castle, it looks so pretty. 🙂










This is the girl i took care of at USS, Shannieve. She’s really a darling, very sensible girl and her interests are really alot like me. She likes pink, hello kitty, taylor swift, loves baking and cooking.




It was super fun at USS, really enjoyed the day spent. The effects in the rides are really awesomeee, totally worth the price!

And AFTER MUCH PROCRASTINATION, I TOOK THE RED ROLLER COASTER, PROUD OF MYSELF. It’s very scary for me cause i am scared of such rides.. the wait for roller coaster was quite nerve wreaking cause i was procrastinating. Once i got on the seat, the seatbelts were slowly locked, i thought to myself “Am i really doing this? I can’t escape already.” And then the ride starts. I started screaming for the first part of the ride, and somewhere in the middle of the ride i didn’t have anymore energy to scream already. HAHAH. But i definately did not regret taking the ride, but i doubt i will take it again.


The food inside USS is seriously expensive, all these for $11. :/

That’s all for USS, it was awesome. 🙂



Wednesday: Candlelight service for the children, first time bringing kids out to service at night.

The two sweeties: Evelyn and Shannieve

The two sweeties: Evelyn and Shannieve

The boys at candle light service. :)

The boys at candle light service. 🙂



Thursday: Baking for christmas.

Baking gingerbread man with classmates in the morning, love the cookies so much i keep eating them.

Baking gingerbread man with classmates in the morning, love the cookies so much i keep eating them.

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