given grace.



The session today with AR Bernard was awesome, I have always loved his messages.

One thing i love most about him is his voice.

For today, i thank Jesus for his grace and mercy.

I often feel that i am undeserving of all the good things that i am blessed with.

Sometimes i think.. like seriously, why would Jesus want to go through all the pain and to die for me?

Am I that important that He is willing to die for me.. like really? Or did he die for someone else?

But he says that “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Yeap, he died for all, which includes me and you.



There are times when you suddenly feel shamed of yourself and that you do not deserve his love and goodness.

But it has already been engraved deeply in my heart, that he loves me just the way i am.

And that no matter what i may do, his love for me will always stay the same.

he will not see what i have done then decides to love me more or to love me less.

The bible is filled with God’s promises to us.

However i learnt that God doesn’t put promises into our hands.

Instead, he puts it within our hands so we must pursuit it.

And to even know what promises we are given, we first got to know the word of God and to meditate on it.

Our faith cannot be in the promise, but to put our faith in God who made the promise.

I will keep my faith strong, and never letting Satan rob me of my faith.








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